The Y.E.S. Program is a short but comprehensive program which discusses all aspects of shoplifting. Working online or listening to CD’s, participants will hear stories from other teens who have shoplifted. They will learn who really gets hurt, the personal consequences involved, how shoplifting can become addicting, ways to resist temptation and how to deal with pressure by friends.
After completing the Y.E.S. Program 97% of kids are able to put shoplifting behind them forever.
Interactive Online Program – An online program which delivers proven-effective education in a specifically structured environment which is designed to pique young peoples’ interest and increase retention levels by offering them an easy to use, interactive, media-rich presentation that surpasses the outdated “read and click” mentality. The program utilizes video scenarios which are guided by a facilitator along with a core group of teens who have also been caught shoplifting. Participants answer questions and, after understanding their behavior, they work to create a personal plan to stop shoplifting. Enroll
By Mail Program – This version of the Y.E.S. Program is a comprehensive correspondence course (mailed to the home) presented on audio CD’s with a workbook. Listening to a facilitator and other teens caught shoplifting participants are guided through the program while answering questions from the workbook. The program is a listening program, however, participants will need to read and answer the questions which are written on a 5th grade level. Enroll